My favourites were two wreaths which would look fantastic hanging on a kitchen wall all year round not just for Christmas. The ring of dried sage with silver organza ribbon is about 14" diameter will cost £22.50, the much larger ring of hydrangea is a stunner, it has to be a one off as it takes so many hydrangea heads and will cost £60.
I was recently in a holistic crystally kind of shop and noticed that they were selling sage smudge sticks - basically small stumpy clumps of dried sage - for between £1.50 and £3.00.
Perhaps I should market the sage ring as a collection of smudge sticks and retail it for £90!
Jane, they look gorgeous, they must take you ages to make.
L x
Thanks Lisa - I am very pleased with them, Euan remarked last night that the house smelt lovely and woodsy when he came in last night so I think that it must have been the sage.
As you know, sometimes ideas work really well and sometimes they are non starters and consigned (in my case) to the compost bin!
I now just have to work out how to display them.
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