I came back from yesterday's Christmas Fair at Duntreath feeling very flat.
Partly it was tiredness -it seems to be very tiring working in big venues, with the loading and unloading and the fact that more experienced stallholders always manage to block the carpark exits in their rush to get as near as possible to the doors thus adding 200 yards to everyone else's packing up trips.
Partly it was the fact that I didn't really sell as well as I hoped - the stall looked beautiful, I had a wide range of stock but people weren't really buying - most of the other stallholders were very disappointed with sales as well so that was reassuring in some ways. I won't be doing the fair next year.
Partly it was that I had been offered a table at a small fair in Bridge of Allan and I had to turn it down as I had already booked Duntreath. I just know that it would have been about the same amount of money for less work and in more congenial company where people offer to help you with boxes rather than blocking the exits!
I have now decided that I much prefer selling at small venues where people are relaxed and there is time to talk to customers. I shall have to be really nice to those B of A people and book myself into their next year's fair!
Hi Jane,
Really sorry yesterday didn't work out for you, it's so disheartening when that happens and you begin to wonder why you even bother. You would have had a ball yesterday, it was a really lovely day. I was spreading the word about the Ashfield fair so maybe that might be one to consider as I think it'll be a lot of the same people? I know you have another fair booked that weekend but it might be worth it?
take care,
L x
I said yes to Ashfield when Jenny called me this week!
We shall be at
Green Gallery Christmas Fair, Buchlyvie, 1st and 2nd December.
Partick Farmers Market 9th and 23rd December
or there is OUR At Home on the afternoon of 10th December.
While I (of course) recommend the gardeners soap, other wonderful varieties and scents are available from Laura at LuckyCats - she attends a regular craft fair at the Botanics which is probably the venue nearest to you. Contact her at luckycats@bigfoot.com or on 01877 389 126 for more details.
Thanks for the coffee -it was great to stop!
I think there is a mad scrabble for sales everywhere at the minute - I think the 'high street' is depressed and there isn't the elasticity in peoples pound the way there has been of old - maybe they are just being more careful with the old credit cards.
Either way, I think that if you are out there trying to sell - it is a bit of a dog eat dog - hang in there!
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