It has been a school in-service day today so the house has been full of noise and children. The incessant rain hasn't helped.
It is also the Christmas mailing day - Sally has been here sorting out the database that got lost when the computer blew up in the Spring - not an enviable job as it meant going back to lots of small scraps of paper with my handwriting on them.
The envelopes are all addressed, the letters all printed out and the children will do the actual envelope stuffing after tea. Here is Katie sizing up the task and determined to make an appearance on the blog.
The pink looks so fantastic, you always carry colour off so well. I envy you Jane!
A perfect little helper.
You flanneller you!
J x
Carolyn - I'll let you know - it could all end in chocolate smeared fliers and upside down stamps.
We've gone for self sticking stamps thank goodness. - 2nd class as I didn't like the Santa one (it DOES look like he's poohing down the toilet).
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