I promised to post some up to date photographs of the baby chick. It is now 2 and a bit months old and that must be the awkward adolescent stage as it is fairly ugly - but what variety is it? Or is it just going to be a vigorous mongrel? Well you can tell what an experienced hen keeper I am. I had been worried about Minou pestering it as he is a terrible mouser but Peblo is such a great mother - pecking away at anything that comes within 5 feet of her baby - that he doesn't stand a chance.
Ooh, wonder what breed it is, it's very light in colour, do you think it's a hen or a cockrel? Another nice addition to the hens though? Our 2 marans have gone broody again! Not quite sure what all that is about but I'm definitely too busy to be faffing around with chicks at this time of year!!
I haven't a clue - last time we had more chicks and the males were all darker than the females (or vice versa) but with just one I think it will be only when it starts crowing (or fails to) that I will know the gender.
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