Sunday, August 20, 2006

Drymen Show

What glorious weather it was! The forecasts had all been for pelting rain and we certainly got soaked when we took the van down to the showground on Friday evening, but the day itself was lovely and sunny and all the stallholders sweated away in their boots and waterproofs.
I really like Drymen show - we don't do it to sell flowers - but rather to let people know that we exist and to put out some party type arrangements. This really takes the sales pressure off and lets us just chat to people about what we do, where we are and what a great year it is for dahlias We won the award for best small stall which was nice.
The photos above are of a couple of arrangements - on the left a domed bouquet of dahlia fuschiana, dill and poppy seedheads and on the right a segment of a large ring with ornamental cabbages, dahlias and sage. The centre of the ring has a bowl which can be filled with floating candles.
We are in Scottish Field this month - a lovely article with lots of photos p74-6.

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