Thursday, May 18, 2006

Back on line!

Our new computer has arrived - very sleek and usable while watching telly and drinking wine in the sitting room. Unfortunately all the data on the old computer has been completely wiped - an organised person would have been backing everything up in a regular and sensible manner. Unfortunately . . . . I am not that person, so I have lost all my business letters. plans, etc. I do have a card index mailing list as well as the compter version and it is early enough in the year for me to be able to track invoices but it is a good lesson to learn and I now have a stack of CDs to back up all data from now onwards.
At least having this weblog means that not all my photographs have gone.
It has been interesting being offline for a couple of weeks - it has made me realise how useful having a commitment to writing something on the weblog is in itself. I had a visitor last week who wanted to look around and see how feasible it is to make a living growing flowers.We talked about the RHS diploma course in horticulture that I did in Edinburgh before starting the business and about how it was valuable partly because of the great people I met - all wanting to change the direction of their lives - and partly because of the discipline of having to do some reading/research each week and work towards an exam. I think that having a weblog is the same - I would never get around to taking photographs, logging flowering dates or noting down my comments on flowers if I didn't have a formalised format for it.
This week my favourite tulip is "Greenland" a massive green and pink parrot tulip which opens out into a great flat flower but doesn't collapse. I have used it in all of today's gift bouquets and everyone loved it. I shall put it on my list of bulbs to sell in September/October.

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