This New Year's resolution was to say "yes" more often - not the advice you would give to your teenage daughter necessarily but for a 37 year old prone making excuses it seemed a good idea.
So when s woman from the production company SMG phoned me a couple of weeks ago to see whether I would be an "expert" on a reality tv show they were making for Scottish Television and Sky - well I said "yes".
Filming was yesterday - and boy it was fun. I had begun to get cold feet about it earlier in the week, worrying about either sounding like I had just swallowed helium or getting that deer in the headlights look. A friend from my book group, Clara is a tv director, presently on maternity leave and she kindly calmed me down - pointing out there would be 5 hours of filming and only a maximum of 5 minutes footage actually used - surely even I could sound compos mentos for that amount of time.
The photo shows crew and contestants with me in the middle - as foraging expert. I can't say more about the programme as it builds week to week - it is called Capture the Castle and should be on in November.
The crew were fantastic and it was SUCH as good experience - I'm so glad I've started saying "yes"
Well done - it sounds as if the experience was a good reason for saying 'yes'!
Goof for you for saying yes!
It sounds very glamorous-but bet it was draining and great experience! Gardeners World next my girl!!
warm wishes
Excellent. I wonder what you'll get asked next!
Oh this is exciting, well done for saying Yes!
Well done for being asked and for say yes. Tricia
Well done you! How exciting!
Well done, you are brave. Nice photo, they look a nice bunch.
Good for you.
I want to hear more:)
That's great news!!
One of the best bits of advice I ever got, many years ago, was to say 'yes' whenever possible. You can always say 'no' later, but if you hesitate with the 'yes' you might miss some really good experiences.
How wonderful for you. Sounds like a great experience. Perhaps you could be the next Charlie Dimmock ... hmm!
It was amazing fun - the crew and cast were all very relaxed and there wasn't any of that "camera, lights, action" that I was dreading - just us in a muddy field with a small camera (mainly in a waterproof cover) and a fluffy boom.
It wasn't very glamorous - just rather damp and giggly - and as for Charlie Dimmock - I need rather a lot more support.
Thanks for your good wishes
I worked in Television for fifteen years and I enjoyed most of it and I bet you had a wonderful day - mind you there is a great deal of sitting and waiting usually during shooting.
I'm glad you said yes. Who knows what will come of it? You could be a star! Congratulations on a job well done.
Hey Jane - I go away and when I come back you are a film star!!
And that was just a weekend - do you want me to go away for longer?
Oh what fun! Many moons ago I appeared (confession time!) on Bargain Hunt - it was a giggle!
Thanks for your comment, it made me giggle just to imagine all those Sindy & Barbie clothes flying!!!
Wow - you are brave. And I firmly agree with your sentiments about saying yes!
Wow, how exciting to be asked.You'll have to remind us nearer November so we get to see you on telly....or perhaps by then you'll have your own programme!
How exciting, you must be thrilled !!! As soon as your face is on the telly you'll be presenting along side Alan Titmarsh !! - love Julia x
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