I am posting this image of a lovely calming hydrangea heart to compensate for having the MOST STRESSFUL DAY.
This morning was fine - not really my sort of thing but there you go. Katie wanted to spend her holiday money - £13.68 - so we went into Glasgow and she went into a frenzy in Claire's Accessories where they had a special deal where you could get10 sale items for £5.
We now have a very happy 6 year old with lots of glittery bits in her hair.
Then I got back here to find that the buttons on my website were not all working properly - aaaarggggh - lots of individual orders instead of nicely grouped ones. I emailed everyone to confirm their orders and refund their multiple postages and thought "Aha, it is a problem with the shopping baskets - I can fix that"
So I redid all the shopping basket buttons on the website, very tedious work, - loaded it all up and found that now NOTHING worked.
Hmmmm. I was not a happy bunny. I ate a lot of chocolate (73% cocoa - allowed), I stomped around, I phoned the Stirling Enterprise IT man (who was out). In the end it turned out that I had bookmarked paypal and they had subsequently changed their site so none of my buttons matched their baskets. Therefore nothing connected and you just got error messages.
Now I have redone it all again and it looks to be working. I think. Of course I have managed to b****r up all the spacing on the pages in my panic but that is for another day. I have put a note up about contacting me if anything doesn't work.
See pride comes before a fall. How professional I must look.
I am now off to pack up these baskets and calm down so that they can be sent off with love! After the postal strike that is.
Keep breathing, Jane! Sending you calming vibes up north.
Oh, and can I say how much I like your hydrangea heart? I am not normally sycophantic...
Jane are you going to sell those gorgeous hydrangea hearts?
Please say yes because I would love one!!!!!
Please email me at alisonjcoll@aol.com to let me know!!!!
Take care,
Alison x
Oh that does not sound like a fun day - on top of all that you still managed the time to email me - thankyou!
I agre, that heart is gorgeous - I have some silk hydrangeas somewhere, in that colour,....mmmmmmm send me your address!
I am now a couple of glasses of wine to the wind and much, much calmer - the site is working properly now, and I'm a bit overwhelmed by all the interest which is fantastic. I am almost out of the red handled baskets so shall be ordering more to paint tomorrow.
Sometimes - as I have a very small, largely local customer base - it feels a bit as though I do things and there is no way of letting people know that I am here. This is the first National publicity post-website. To get so much positive response so quickly is just so heart warming. Gush, gush, gush.
The hydrangea hearts are seasonal - this one is left over from last year - I make them in September/October (along with honesty ones) and they should go up on the website some time in the autumn.
Glad to hear you're feeling a bit calmer now! I thought going to Clare's Accessories was stressful enough! Congrats on CL and love that heart too.
Hi Jane,
Sorry to hear about your website woes. I can sympathise, as I have had problems with mine too.
The hydrangea heart is quite lovely.
Marie x
Had a similar day! Can't seem to get a couple of dried flower arrangements out the door. They keep coming back to me for one reason or another!!
Serenity now! So sorry you've had a wonky day. I hope as the day progresses it will go better...Think of the hydrandea heart, that may help. :o) That heart if very lovely--I will carry that image in my mind today. Congratulation on the popularity of those fetching baskets. I can't wait to get my issue of CL and see them in it (I live in Norway, so I get my issues a little later. I'm from the US originally, and have long subscribed to CL.) Thank you so much for visiting my blog today! Your blog was new to me, and I'm so glad you wrote. I look forward to coming back here! Happy Day! :o)
Computers don't you just love em? I often have days where everything goes wrong due to some small anomaly with the computer and I don't even have a web site so I fully sympathise.
Oh you poor thing! I love those hearts! They are so pretty. Love the baskets too - want to send some to Holland? :) We would love them in the shop!
Hope the rest of your week is better. :)Love the hydrangea heart:) I just posted today on harvesting mine.
Strange this but my webpage decided to double all multiple orders - and I have had to go through paypal to refund them - problem is I can't work out why!!
Frustrating - and yes another stress to add to the day
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