I am not mentioning the name of the hotel as this is going to be a wee bit of a rant.
The bride wanted very simple understated flowers so at the reception there was just to be small table centres - so far, so easy - I was just to drop them off after I had arranged the church flowers.
At least that was the idea - I arrived and this was the entrance for the wedding party. Actually that is not quite true as I took this photo after I had already done a lot of litter picking. 2 rather ill looking bay trees in chipped plastic pots and weedy soil - covered in old dirty plastic ribbons, most of which had come undone.
I spoke to the hotel about it and they said "Oh the brides usually bring their own ribbon" - not "Oh goodness you are right that looks terrible I shall get someone onto it" - not even "Do you have any suggestions?" just a "that's not my problem" attitude. I still can't believe that they were happy for the bridal party to arrive in their lovely clothes, step from their fancy cars into an area of soiled decorations, seedy looking trees and cigarette ends.
There wasn't really that much I could really - I weeded the trees, picked up the litter, removed the dirty curly ribbon and cut off the yellow dead leaves. I had some wired grosgrain ribbon left over from the church flowers so I tied that round the trunks and cut some oxe-eye daisies from the carpark verge, threading them into the trees as a bit of decoration. There was nothing I could do about the chipped pots or the general air of sodden neglect.
It all seems so unnecessary.

These are the table decorations for the inside! A mix of mint, rosa "William Lobb", sweetpea "Matucana"; eryngium "Miss Willmotts Ghost" and nepeta "Souvenir d'Andre Chaumont".
You did a grand job.
How terrible. Thankfully for the bride your not just money grabbing like the hotel, and took some some out to sort out their entrance !!
That sounds as if they are complacent about having the right setting and therefore have gotten lazy about standards. But thank goodness you worked your magic, and what lovely little arrangements.
ah that terrible eh its good you have the heart to do it nice for them xx jep
I think you send them a ranting big bill! That arrangement looks beautiful. What a gorgeous setting to have a wedding at Loch Lomond.
Crystal x
I wish you'd done my wedding flowers! We had only deep red roses, but I was looking for something a little wilder and greener than what I ended up with! Aren't you kind, doing what you could - most people would have just left it.
I'm sure that no-one would have left it as it was - it is a wedding after all.
I think that the hotel staff must have just stopped noticing - perhaps no-one feels responsible for the entrance. It is a great pity as I always think that organising weddings must be a lovely (if at times stressful) job.
What a good thing you were there, but how sad that the hotel was so uncaring. I love your flowers.
Good for you, why can't you name and shame the hotel ? People like that just do not deserve the business when there are so many small struggling venues that do care.
What a wonderful job you did.
Plastic ribbons in this day and age!
I think you are right, they stopped bothering and noticing - perhaps no one has ever complained -- cant quite believe that now can you - in todays competitive world with the world and his wife doing a wedding venue you would think they had to do more to make an effort.
Should imagine the staff at the hotel would be more outraged if it was their wedding. Sounds to me like another instance of people just not caring about others any more!
You did a wonderful job and more than made up for the stinginess with your beautiful flowers and caring attitude. Well done you!
It’s the modern malaise isn’t it? Not bothering about the small details.
In Costa Coffee in Chichester no one ever cleans the edges and the window areas; every time I’d sit down I had a real urge to wipe the edges with a damp J Cloth ……and then it was re-vamped and now the same thing is happening.
Probably no one at the hotel can be bothered.
Well done for what you did... presumably the bride had actually been to see where the reception was....
Well thank goodness the bride had you to sort things out a bit. Dipped my toes in Loch Lomond last year, beautiful setting. I agree with Sally, you should name and shame.
How dreadful. You did a good job though and made best of it. Lovely flowers. What awful weather to get married in.
Anyone local will know where it is - I just hope they get their act together pdq.
At least you have the personal satisfaction of having done your very best. Some people either don't see the problems or are happy to accept second best. Clearly you don't, which makes you the true professional you are. You deserve to be very successful; I for one am going to tell all my Glasgow relatives about your superb attitude!
I think it was very good of you to do it The attention to detail make all the difference. Sadly the hotel does not seem to realise it. Tricia
lovely flowers..was it on here I read a mention of lady Wilmott's ghost before...?
Lucky bride to have had you in her corner. I think you're right - some of the more popular places stop noticing the details in the search for the big money. Too bad - imagine the wedding parties that had most likely arrived to that tatty scene.
They just get away with it because it's a beautiful & romantic location. Hopefully the bride would be having so much fun and be too loved up to notice the lack of care by the hotel. Luss is a wonderful place - we got engaged there last year. (I'm trying to work out which hotel it is from the picture of the path!! but I don't think it's either of the ones I have in mind)
How awful! Having just been down the wedding route with my daughter I'm so glad you did what you could. But how dreadful that you had to do it. I hope your bride was appreciative. Love the flower combination chosen.
Your flower arrangements are stunning. I was sorry to read about the entrance - at least you were able to beautify it and the wedding party would have been happy!
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