Well the Easter school holidays are over - and goodness they went quickly. The children were picked up this morning at 8.30 by Alan on the school bus and we are back into routine.
Judging from most of the mothers I meet, I am unusual in actually enjoying the school holidays. I am definitely not a morning person (another reason why I am not a conventional florist - who knows what I would come back with from a 5am flower market) and, though I tend to be up and about quite early, I am not quite all there until 9.30 at the earliest. The morning routine of "get your shoes on . . .get your shoes on . . .GET YOUR SHOES ON !! !" is not my finest hour.
So when all that can be abandoned in favour of free ranging scruffy, layabout kids I am happy. And the fine weather this year has made it a breeze - the children were happy playing outside doing Blytonish things. They produced a local newspaper, they did some elaborate dog training with jumps, they made a veg patch, they just lay for hours on the trampoline reading. We even managed to wean our younger daughter away from the television.
I felt like a really good Mum. For once it all worked - I could keep a benign eye on them from my weeding, we ate when we were hungry and there was no running about from piano to swimming to Brownies. Mind you, you should have seen the colour of the bathwater last night.
And we are all beginning to get back some colour after the peely wally milk bottle colour of a Scottish winter.
As always your life sounds just perfect x
And i agree with the morning thing - i am happy to be up and doing at 7am but cannot really hold a conversation until 10!!!
Have a wonderful week.
Tracy x
Hi! I love the expression 'peely wally'!!
It sounds like you have a wonderful mix of life and work!
Hello Jane,
Thank you for all the lovely photos you have posted over the past ten days. What beautiful girls you have - you must treasure the memory of this holiday because they grow up so fast. My daughter agrees with you about the morning thing but she thinks that mornings start about 11.30am
I covet that spring bouquet - especially as I have just had to order flowers over the internet from an unknown florist and it makes me gnash my teeth to think of paying so much for such a boring combination of flowers.
Enjoy a peaceful cup of tea in the sunshine - all post holiday Mums deserve some pampering!
I've had the kids in the allotment every afternoon last week and this weekend and they've been lazing, feeding blades of grass to the hens, electrocuting themselves mildly on the electric fence around the ponies (yes, really!) and generally doing 'kid' things.
The first few days they were a bit bored, but now they grab a stick and poke holes in the ground, wee on the blackcurrants (why this is fascinating I have no idea!), and generally run wild. It's good for them.
Tracey - there was a whole heap on the radio today about Thurso - That is where you are headed or am I misremembering? It is seemingly about to become uber surf capital of the world with some big surfy type event. (can you tell it was on before 9.30?)
Clare - the expression is much nicer than the complexion - my legs are actually blue.
Alice - thanks as always for your lovely comments - I'm glad you liked the bouquet - I am rather chuffed as the chap that sent it to his girlfriend phoned up to say how much she liked it and how it filled the house with scent.
Ash - thanks for dropping by - it is amazing how quick children are to get reprogrammed if you physically stop them going off to watch telly. A bit of gentle electrocution sounds just the thing for a sunny day.
I'm definitely not a morning person either. I am late for work everyday. (they expect it now) I can never get out of bed but come alive at about 7 in the evening
I also love the holidays. No early mornings and after school clubs. The boys play out all day - bliss!
Although I also like it when they get back to school as I can have some peace and quiet.
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